Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Final adjustment of 2xK9AY phased RX system

I mentioned my 2xK9AY receiving phased system many times here. It has been installed during last winter. All cables were installed temporarily and I didn´t care much about them. I slightly sorted them out during the March but it was still temporary installation. Some time I achieved to ride with grass-cutter among the cables without any problem. But accident came without any notice and one coax cable got direct cut. So right moment occured to make the final installation.

The following pictures show how the final installation gone:

1. hard work on southern K9AY - the intrenchment of control cables and koax

2. hard work on northern K9AY

3. control and phased unit

4. inside view

5. phasing cable

6. view to southern antenna. Only N-S loop is installed.

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