My first entry to this blog was my photo from 1970, where I and my father were sitting next to some undefined equipment which provided curious sounds. In addition to this my father very often spoke to it and repeated unintelligible words sounding like "sííkjů sííkjů".
Authentic witness (my mother :-) ) confirmed that this words (means "sííkjů sííkjů") sound very often during my "job" on chamber-pot.
I have found another photos so they are here::

As I remember well it is hard job on Christmas present (medium wave receiver ). Please watch the absorption!

Here is something more interesting. Experts can recognize the Russian army receiver R-250.
On the right side you can see the TX module "made in my Father".

The miniaturisation was coming to countryside as well. In front of me is another father´s homebrew TRX.